International Partners


European Psychiatric Association
President: Professor Philip Gorwood
Main event: 28th European Congress of Psychiatry, EPA 2020, 28-31 March 2020, Madrid, Spain
·        Abstract submission deadline is over
·        Regular registration until 10 March 2020


European College of Neuropsychopharmacology
President: Professor Gitte Moos Knudsen
Main event: 33rd ECNP Congress, 12-15 September 2020, Vienna, Austria
·        Abstract submission deadline: 1 April 2020
·        Early registration until 15 April 2020, Regular registration until 26 August 2020


World Psychiatric Association
President: Professor Helen Herrman
Main event: 20th WPA World Psychiatric Congress, 14-17 October 2020, Bangkok, Thailand
·        Abstract submission deadline: 20 April 2020
·        Early registration until 9 June 2020, Regular registration until 8 September 2020
WPA Regional Congress, 5-7 May 2020, St Petersburg, Russia
·        Abstract submission deadline: 5 February 2020
·        Early registration until 16 February 2020, Regular registration until 12 April 2020


The International College of Neuropsychopharmacology
President: Professor Siegfried Kasper
Main event: 32nd CINP World Congress of Neuropsychopharmacology, 25-28 June 2020, Taipei, Taiwan
·        Abstract submission deadline: 30 January 2020
·        Early registration until 16 March 2020, Regular registration until 11 May 2020

UEMS Section of Psychiatry

The Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes
President: Dr. Andrew Brittlebank


European Society of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
President: Pr. Dimitris Anagnostopoulos


European Union of Medical Specialties – Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Section
President of the Section: Dame Sue Bailey

National partners


The Association of Physicians Residing in Psychiatry (AMRPR) in Romania was established in 1996, at the initiative of Prof. Dr. Mircea Lăzărescu and a group of resident psychiatrists under the coordination of Dr. Ovidiu Sturz, the first AMRPR President. It is a non-profit, independent organization, whose main purpose is to promote the professional interests of psychiatric resident physicians but also to initiate, support and organize professional – scientific and cultural activities, exchange of information and experience between its members as well as with other doctors in the country and from abroad, but also organizing specialization and information courses, symposiums and specialized conferences.


The Romanian Association of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (ARPP) is a national medical professional association. It was established in 1990 and its goal is to improve and perfect all psychiatric and mental health activities in Romania. ARPP is member of the European Psychiatric Association (EPA) and the Council of National Psychiatric Associations, and which includes over 40 associations from 39 European countries.
EFPT and AMRPR greatly appreciates the support of ARPP, of the current president of ARPP – Prof. Doina Cozman and of the Past President of ARPP – Prof. Catalina Tudose

Alexandru Obregia Hospital

Alexandru Obregia (b. July 20, 1860, Iasi; d. July 24, 1937, Bucharest) was a well-known psychiatrist and university professor, holder of the Department of Psychiatry and the Clinic of Mental Illness within the Medicine Faculty of Bucharest between 1910 – 1924.
In 1923, he created the Psychiatric Clinic in the newly created Central Hospital for Nervous and Mental Diseases, which is now named after him, located on Berceni Road no. 10. Initially the largest hospital in Romania, it was built at the initiative and according to Professor Obregia’s conception between 1907-1910, with the support of the politician Gh. Gr. Cantacuzino (“Nababul”), but the inauguration was delayed due to lack of funds and of the outbreak of the First World War. Alexandru Obregia activated between 1927-1930 as the technical and administrative superior director of the Central Hospital (one of the many names of this hospital).
EFPT and AMRPR greatly appreciate the support offered by Dr. Andrian Tibirna, manager of Prof. Dr. Alexandru Obregia Hospital